The GeoBiz Manager helps to manage and optimize a business's presence on Google My Business. It has an intuitive interface and key features like Profile Management, Content Updates, Review Management, Insights Analytics & Reporting engagements with your business listings.

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GeoBiz Manager: A Central Google Business Profiles Manager

Keep your business present and updated on Google.


Have detailed insights and of your business profile on Google, track profile performance, create single and bulk business profiles with latitude and longitude mapping, get auto and manual response management, and a lot more with GeoBiz Manager.

Get a Demo
Detailed Insights
Profile Setup
Bulk Editing
Lat-Long Pinpoint
Reply to Reviews
Bulk Updates
Audit & Health
Details Verification

Posts, Offer & Events Management

Upload widget with Preview, Scheduling widget and by selecting multiple Dealers at once to upload Posts on all.


Review Management

Easily manage reviews and reply promptly to your customers automatically or manually with a template.


Audit & Crawling

Auditing to check the quality of Business profiles created where each individual business is tested on multiple parameters to make sure we have a strong profile for each Business we are managing.


Interested in our
hyperlocal marketing

Fill out the form to get in touch with our team. Whether you have questions, need a demo, or want to learn more about how our solutions can elevate your business, we're here to help. Provide your details, and we'll get back to you promptly!

Get in Touch

I have read and understood the disclaimer

What is the state of your business?

Note: Pick any one.

What kind of outlet model do you have ?

Note: Pick any one.

How many outlets/stores do you have ?

Note: Pick any one.

What is your objective of doing Hyperlocal Marketing ?

Note: Pick maximum two.

What would be your focus to begin with ?

Note: Pick any one.

How many outlets/stores do you have currently?


For how many outlets/stores do you have access to their Google My Business Locations Pages?


Do you have webpages for each location?


Are you doing paid media?